When it comes to discreet affairs, there definitely must be a discreet communication. Whether it is a security personnel or just a private group of designated people. Radios are used for communication between compatible devices within a specified location. Nevertheless, it would be less comfortable if someone talks via the radio and everyone hear the entire communication. Given the different types of motorola two-way radios in the market, they usually come with a compatible earpiece or Earplug. Among the most common radios are the Motorola radios. It would be super discreet and stylish if you had a Motorola radio earpiece to accompany your device. Some of the ideal 2-way radio earpiece connectors at EarpieceOnline include the following;
CP040 & DP4400 2-Pin Connector
This Motorola 2-pin connector can work with a number of Motorola 2-way radios. It can also support some of the old version radios such as the GP040 and the GP300. Some of the novel version of radios that are compatible to this earpiece include the DP1400 and the DP1000.
Features of the connector
• It has a changeable Foam sock so that you can replace if it has worn out.
• The earpiece also has a comfortable and flexible C-shaped earpiece.
• There is a secure moulded ear hook, for holding firm on the ear.
• It provides high quality audio.
• It comes with a noise reducing microphone for enhanced reception of incoming voice messages.
• The earpiece has a plastic that is covered by a label clip PTT button. The wire PTT is separated from the microphone and an ear hangar earpiece.
• It has a RoHS compliant feature and comes with Motorola earpiece 2-pin connector GP300/CP040/XTN and GP340 adapters.
DP3400 & DP3600 Multi Connector
This is a multi pin connector works with all DP3000 & DP4000 range of radios, with a 12-pin connector, it slots perfect onto the side of the DP radio and is securely screwed in so that the earpiece is securely locked in.
• It is incorporated with Kevlar Reinforced for better surveillance and security.
• It has a secure fit tube connector, to avoid accidents of it cut from rough encounters.
• It offers a high quality audio.
• The earpiece has a Lapel clip PTT button and a separate wire PTT. That is separated from a noise reduction microphone and an acoustic tube. The acoustic tube runs over the ear, the FBI style.
• There is a changeable connector for flexible modification and flexible mushroom plugs that you can replace whenever.
DP2400 & DP2600 multi connector
This is yet another different multi-pin connector that lets you connect to the DP2000 range of radios. This 8-pin connector fits on to the side of the radio and is locked in with a 'pull out and slot-in' connector, reducing the risk of broken screws or damage to the radio.
• The acoustic tube runs over the ear and it has a secure fit connector for super surveillance and comfort.
• It has a separate wire PPT different from the acoustic tube and a microphone that reduces noise from the surrounding.
• The mushroom plugs are changeable and you can simply remove them when they are loose or worn out.
• It produces a high quality audio that reduces strain even when in a noisy environment.
GP340 & GP680
This multi connector is compatible the GP range of radios, including the GP340 and GP680. The Connector is a 13-pin connector and is secured on the side of the radio, with a screw-in to secure the earpiece to the radio.
• This multi connector has a high quality audio reception. That makes it comfortable to use anywhere, even in a crowded, noisy place.
• There is a microphone, which is separate from a wire PTT and an acoustic tube. The microphone is a noise reducing microphone, that helps to make the other end-user be comfortable.
• It has a RoHS compliant and an over the ear acoustic tube that holds firm to the ear.
• There is an adjustable connector that is versatile to other devices.
An elegant and well fitted earpiece will not only promote surveillance, but it will also be comfortable on the ear. That will ensure it is safe from damages in rough situations. A Motorola radio earpiece will be beneficial if you want a comfortable communication without having to speak loudly over the radio. Some of the radios are also slightly heavy, which makes them more comfortable when using an earpiece, that is worn beneath the clothing.
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